Friday, March 25, 2011

Swimmies: If they only knew.

Since we recently visited the creation museum we have been doing a lot of things in school that go along with what we learned. Well, yesterday I decided to make Noah's Ark come to life. I used mini animal crackers and a bowl mixed with K's imagination and my narrative = Noah's Ark. We sorted all of the animals into their kinds (this really helped him recognize things that were the same and things that were different). Sadly in our pack of animal crackers there were only about 3-4 kinds.  So we counted two of each kind and trotted them up into the ark. I know I know the bible says two of each clean animal and two of the unclean, but we just went with two. We are playing and I get to the part about the rest of the animals and how the water washed them away and they drowned, lucky for us we get to now eat them, and K has a look on his face. You know the look, the one were you can literally see the gears turning. And he says to me, "Momma I wouldn't have had to get on Noah's Ark." Which, really of took me by surprise so I said, "Hmmm...really K why not?" To which he replied one of the funniest things I have heard all week, "I have my swimmies. I'd float." lol. If only the people of Noah's time new about swimmies. :) What were they thinking drowning like that? lol On a more serious note this opened up a door to be able to explain that God told Noah to build the ark and preach to the people. If they would have listened to God they would have been safe. When we don't listen to God we are putting ourselves outside of His will, which usually leads to disaster. What a great reminder. Here is a picture of the scene described:

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