Friday, March 30, 2012

Forever Friends

I am so blessed that we have such a large family. Joel and I have four nephews for our children to play with, not to mention all of the second, third, and fourth cousins in the family. Our boys best friends are their cousins. The boys definitely out number the girls so that's something someone needs to get to working on, ahhmmmm (JJ, Jonathan, Janel, or Amanda). :) Emmy needs someone to play Barbie's with when she gets a bit older. Who am I kidding. With all of these boys around I am sure she will be nothing short of  a tom boy. :)
All of these sweet memories come flooding back and remind me of the fun times with my cousins.
Easter egg wars at Grandma Peggy's . ( I am sure the clean up on that was fun ). Riding three wheelers, which I am pretty sure I wrecked into a tree when it was my turn to drive. Even back then my driving skills weren't up to par. :) Family vaca's to Florida, Tennessee, and the Dunes. Making mud pies at Uncle Franks and Aunt Alomas. Playing in the snow for the first time. Lots and lots of good memories. I am so happy my children will have lots of fond memories to look back on with their first childhood friends, their cousins!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Girl

Miss Emma has started smiling. I can't believe it our 6 week old princess just grins and grins. I am loving kissing on those sweet cheeks of hers. Other new things in Emmalyn's life include her sleeping 4-5 hours through the night instead of the typical 3 she was doing before = more sleep for mommy. YAY. She also has found her fist and loves to try and get her thumb in her mouth. She has not succeeded thus far, but I am afraid our girl  just might be a thumb sucker. Lots of new introductions this week as well. She met her great aunt and cousins last week and this week she has meet her Uncle Nick & Aunt Amanda and their sweet boys Brody & Briston. They have all fallen in love with her and how could they not. That pretty little face of hers is irresistible.
Above Image from this  cute little etsy shop.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Laundry Day

Laundry day: Who am I kidding! There should be an EVERY between those two words. With three Johnson children, two of which are messy little boys, the pile of laundry is never ending. I am sure all the moms of young children out there can sympathize.
I love to play race car with our boys in laundry baskets. It is so much fun to push them around the house.  Kaden has always loved it. I guess he has always had a need for speed. However, David wasn't sure if he liked it the first day we played. Now he can't even walk past any laundry basket without trying to climb in. I think some of the most fun activities that my children enjoy are things that can't be purchased i.e. blanket forts, pirate ship boxes, & laundry basket race cars.  I love the joy it brings them. I also love that they have such vivid imaginations. Watching them pretend makes my heart smile.

I do have to admit that Joel's race car is a lot faster than mine. :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Emmalyn June's Pink Party

My family threw Miss Emmalyn a Pink Party over the weekend. I am so blessed to have such a terrific bunch of  friends and family. We are so grateful for all of the sweet gifts she received. From dresses, to tights, and even sweet little bows Emmalyn will be the most stylish baby EVER! :) She possibly could wear a new dress DAILY. Thank yall so much for showering our sweet girl. We had such a wonderful turn out and the decor for her shower was absolutely beautiful. My family did such a wonderful job. I couldn't have imagined it turning out more PERFECT!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I love to document major life events with my camera but I think I have found a new love. We have this really neat video software that I haven't used before so I thought I'd give it a try. I am super happy with the way this turned out and I look foward to making a lot more of these. It is really helping with the creative itch I've been getting since taking a break from photography. I hope to do lots more fun/creative projects making memories with my kiddos! :)

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