Sunday, September 30, 2012

Our Junebug is 8 Months! :)

Our sweet little June Bug is 8 months old! :) She has such a sweet/laid back personality but these last few weeks have been pretty hard since she has gotten in two more teeth. I am sure all of you mom's out there with teething babes can empathize. We have tried everything from Tylenol to teething tablets and nothing seems to ease the discomfort. So if you would please pray for our girl I'd really appreciate that! :) I am sure we have many more sleepless nights on the agenda.
She is just too adorable. I love to play dress up with her. It is so fun picking out different outfits with matching accessories! Cute shoes, hair bows, and tights fill her closet. She has more clothes than her momma, and that's saying something! lol.
We have been listening to the  new Matt Redman cd around here. The boys love "10.000 reasons but I am pretty sure Emmy's fav is "We are the free." That one is my favorite as well.
John 8:36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Photo Madness

Hi there. :) Our blog has received a much needed makeover. I know the old header had Emmy's newborn photo and our girl is now 7 months old!! (What?) So I spent some time this morning fixing that. Hope you like it. I am planning on adding a few more things throughout the week so if it looks a little different each time, well that's just my OCD, bare with me.

I wanted to start out with these sweet pictures from our instagram. I have had instagram for such a long time but just never really used it. I had it before a lot of people did so I didn't really see the point without anyone to follow, up until now. I love it. How fun. To get a glimpse into daily snapshots of friends/families lives. :) If you have instagram and would like to follow us our username is johnsonsforhim . If you don't have it well get on it! :) You'll love it I am sure.

I can't believe our summer has come to an end already. I am in full swing of Kindergarten home school with Kaden and loving every minute of it. See that pic up there of him with the "Teach Me Chinese" literature? Yep. That's right. My little boy asked to learn Chinese. So if you think about it please pray for me as I am trying to teach him one of the hardest languages EVER! :) I have four years of Spanish under my belt so you would think that is what he'd pick. NO GO. Chinese it is!

Joel and I are also coaching K's soccer team with a sweet friend named Heather. It is going much better than I expected since I have never played soccer, practiced soccer, or even watched it on t.v. for that matter. LOL. I am more of a girly girl really, and never did many sports other than cheerleading. But this has been a really sweet time that Joel and I have gotten to share with our boy. Our little fox team is doing quite well. And we are just beaming with pride that K and his teammates play, have fun, and get along.

I have just finished up another Beth Moore bible study and it was terrific. I can't say enough about this woman's ability to make you delve into the word of God, sit and meditate on it, and apply it to your life. Not sure what to start next? Anyone have any good studies they have done recently? Or any treasures even in the past? I'd love for you to share!!!
Have a great week!

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