Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Blessings

As I reflect on 2012 the one word that comes to my mind is blessing. I am so thankful to God for His provision and blessings in my life. With our family growing from a family of four to a family of five I am so very grateful for healthy happy children.

Kaden learned how to swim and ride his bike this summer. I can't believe that he is growing up so quickly. With Joel spending a lot of the summer out of town we had plenty of walks/bike rides at the trail. With this snowy weather I long for those days to return. Kaden also started Kindergarten this year. He is as smart as they come and jumps at any chance to learn more. He loves Science and wants to be a Scientist when he grows up. I am sure whatever he choose God will have a hand in it.  He loves to memorize God's word and has a sensitive heart. He also has really gotten into Lego's this year. He has more sets than he knows what to do with. I love his ability to play and pretend.

David is well David! Happy, Sweet, and Ornery. He has his own ideas about his day and how it should go. He loves to do school with Kaden and is interested in anything Kaden has going on.  He is learning how to potty train and with a little practice I think he'll have it soon. He loves trains, Mickey Mouse, and tractors. He also loves to sleep with Stripes (his zebra) and  Ribbert (his frog). He is such a snuggly little boy. His sweet cheeks and sparkly blue eyes captivate me and have the ability to keep him out of trouble often times.

Emmalyn has grown so much this year. She was born in January and is almost a year old. She has learned how to do, well, EVERYTHING. From eating, to crawling, to talking. :) She is a very smart little girl. She thinks she is the boss and pretty much lets the boys know it. She is the happiest baby we have had. She is a joy. Emmy is our little pretty pretty.

I hope your 2012 was wonderful and God blesses you in 2013. The bible says that "Every good and perfect gift comes from above." Thank you God for my family! As this year ends may you reflect on the blessings God has bestowed on you and thank Him for them.

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