Friday, February 17, 2012

Ladies Night Out

Last night Emmalyn and I attended "Ladies Night Out" here in Judson at The Carpenter's Yard. This was her first public outing, and I was just a bit nervous about it. I am so glad I decided to go, thanks Laura for the invite, because I was so encouraged and blessed by the words and work of the women who put it together.

I often feel that I miss the mark when it comes to living up to the Proverbs 31 woman. It was such a blessing to me to see the verse acted out in a skit. Often times even though we miss the mark in one area we can truly hit it in others. I am so very thankful that I serve a patient God, that is teaching me daily to be a wife and mother who seeks after Him. Thank you Lord for renewing me, giving me a new name, and making me a new creation. I screw this motherhood thing up more than I would even like to admit but God's grace covers. His mercies are new EVERY morning. Praise the Lord. So if yesterday I had a short temper, lost my cool, and felt like I totally blew it: today I get another chance, a fresh start, a new beginning. Thank you Lord for that.

I am so looking foward to a lot more of these mother/daughter outings. Before Emmalyn I was dreaming that I may be able to convince the boys to go on coffee dates, chick flicks, and shopping excursions with me. Dreaming! lol.  Now they won't have to. :) I will still take them on dates just not such girl oriented ones. K's favorite dates right now involve icecream and bike riding. With this nice weather we've been having we've been able to still do both! D doesn't have a favorite quite yet, any date that involves David/Mommy time is fine with him. I am sure the boys will be so upset to be left out of facials, manicures, and pedicures. Bummer. lol.  What are some of your children's favorite "dates"?

P.S. excuse the quality of above photo, Joel snapped it with the Ipad before we walked out the door. Although, I am starting to really adore snapshots of our daily life. Not just the "picture perfect" moments, but the shots in between are my favorite!!

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