Tuesday, June 12, 2012

S'more summer fun!

 We have been having such a good time this summer already. Over the weekend our children spent three consecutive days in water. They will be little fish soon! :) We camped over night at Joel's grandparents pond. We went swimming, did some paddle boating, cooked hot dogs and s'mores, and even had a few friends drop by to play. I love camping and always have, it has been something that Joel and I share a love for. Look at how resourceful my wonderful hubby is. In that last picture that bacon/brat contraption was hand crafted. He is wonderful. Pretty sure if he was ever a tribute on the Hunger Games he would win! :) lol.

It is so important to us to create these memories with our children. This time we get to spend with them is precious to me. It won't be long before they are all grown up camping with their own little ones. I cherish it. I try and takes as many pictures as possible; with my camera and my mind.

Kaden and Jimmy were up late talking that night and it was so cute to be able to listen to their conversation. They started telling jokes and they were cracking us up. Some of the jokes went something like this:

Kaden: "Knock, Knock"
Jimmy: "Who's there?"
Kaden: "Frogs"
Jimmy: "Frogs who?"
Kaden: "Frogs that eat mosquitoes."


Jimmy: "Knock, Knock"
Kaden: "Who's  there?"
Jimmy: "Cheese."
Kaden: "Cheese who?"
Jimmy: "Cheese Cake."

These jokes were followed by uncontrollable laughter. Joel and I tried to keep laughing under our breathe so the jokes would keep on coming, but after awhile we couldn't help our selves and burst out in fits. Then we joined in!

Mommy: "Knock, Knock."
K and Jimmy: "Who's there?"
Mommy: "Cow's go."
K and Jimmy: "Cow's go who?"
Mommy: "No silly cows go moo!"

Hope your weekend was just as fun. I know we had a blast. I can't wait for this weekend as I will hopefully be running my first 5K! :) Wish me luck, cuz this girl's gonna need it!

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