Monday, March 21, 2011

Our 6th Wedding Anniversary

Last year about the time we were driving through the mountains in Colorado Springs, Colorado on our anniversary. There was something so special about seeing God's glory towering above us. I thought to myself surely nothing will ever be able to top this. Although, nothing will be able to take from the experiences and adventures we had in Colorado this year was an experience of a new kind. We went to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. It was such a fun trip. As we walked through the exhibits we saw the bible come to life. We saw Adam and Eve in Eden, Satan's lies and deceit through the serpent, the fall of man, Cain and Able, Noah's Ark and much more. It was such a sweet time for our family experiencing this together. K had so many questions and it sparked a lot of good spiritual discussion.
Taking this trip confirmed to me that our plan for homeschooling our children is the right thing to do. Now, don't get me wrong I am not saying homeschooling is for everyone or that your a bad parent if you don't. This is just what God has called our family to do. We were shown ways  to cut the theory of evolution at the core, and how to defend intelligent design. We want the knowledge of creation to be one of the foundations of our children's education. To bring everything they learn in focus with God and His plan.  What an incredible experience.
I am forgetting one important detail, my Joel. He is the very reason why everyday is a special one. See us holding that snake at the top? Crazy right? If it were anyone else I would say so. But it's not anyone else; It is Joel and I. I feel so safe with this man that I would hold a huge snake and smile about it. That definately says something about his character. I thank God for this man and all he does for our family. I can't wait to spend 60 more anniversaries with him.
Here's to love, family, and huge snakes! :)

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