Here he is! Our smarty pants. He starts Kindergarten right after Labor Day. I can't believe it. We are so proud of the sweet little man our K has become. He has such good manners and is a true joy. He is excited about starting school back up again. This little guy is one of the smartest 5 year olds I know. Case in point: He memorizes bible verses like a pro and can already do basic addition! :) If I sound a little like a proud parent, it's because I am. I want our children to be very educated in things pertaining to school, but my major desire is for them to know the Lord and have a personal relationship with our Savior. I pray everyday that the Lord guides me in this, because on my own I am nothing.
I have received a lot of questions about homeschool through email so I thought I'd answer some of them here:
Q: What curriculum do you plan on using?
A: Through much prayer we have decided to go with Sonlight Curriculum (www.sonlight.com). It's a literature based program. We feel like if children love to read then they can learn almost anything else! :) It is also a Christian based program that teaches children at a very young age to have a biblical world view.
Q: Do you do school 5 days a week?
A: Last year I only did 4 days a week. We took Fridays off and with K's attention span I thought that worked well for us. (He has a very good attention span). If your child will sit still for that long and actually enjoys school then why not. We want our children to love school! If four days seemed like too much at first we would have cut back some. This year we plan on a five day school week but will cut back if need be.
Q: I can't get my child to sit still for a movie. How do you get your child to sit for school?
A: Sometimes I think K forgets he is doing school. Our curriculum is literature based so to him it just feels like a really long "story time." Now don't get me wrong we have our days were it isn't so smooth, but for the most part he loves it.
Q: Do you really think you can teach your child through 13 years of school? Do you feel qualified?
A: Joel and I both feel called to homeschool our children. When the Lord called we listened. I just take it one day at a time. Right now I am teaching ABC's and 123's so yes in that part I do feel qualified. As far as 13 years of school, no I may not be the most qualified but the Lord is. He is more than qualified. Will will walk in His Spirit and His Truth! I pray my children have a heart for Him and His people. Everything else: icing on the cake.