Hello there. What a beautiful day we are having. I absolutely love Spring weather. Warm days with an oh so sweet breeze and those cool nights: Could it get any better? We have been really enjoying it with fun days spent outside playing at the park, coloring on our driveway, swinging on our swing set, and riding bikes (well our little man rides his power wheel lol).
After my nephew had such a hard time with RSV we haven't taken the children out in public yet. I know we will have to do it sometime soon, I just would like Miss E to be a bit older before we do. Which has been hard because we have been really missing our church and our church family. I don't mind home church every so often but there is something so special about connecting with other believers in worship and in truth. Maybe that's why God tells us to do so in His word! Anyway if your reading this and you go to our church we truly miss yall.
I am excited that summer is on it's way. I can not wait for the numerous fishing trips that we have planned. I love to fish. :) Our boys love it too. I am also excited to take them camping. We usually take a camping trip to Michigan every summer. I absolutely love this time spent together away from everything. Do you have any annual summer traditions you do with your family? If so I'd love to hear about them. :)